Ο Μπρεχτ θέλησε μέσα από το έργο "Η Εβραία"να γνωστοποιήσει αυτό που συνέβαινε στη Γερμανία του 1930:την περιθωριοποίηση των Εβραίων,τον περιορισμό της ελεύθερης σκέψης,την εξορία όσων αντιδρούσανκαι τη σιωπηλή συνενοχή όσων έμεναν στη χώρα.Το ολοκαύτωμα δεν είναι παρά η κλιμάκωσηενός ακόμη πιο τρομακτικού φαινομένου:μιας κυβέρνησης που οδηγείται στην τρέλακαι ενός λαού που περισσότερο ή λιγότερο συνειδητά γίνεται συνένοχοςΑντίστοιχες εποχές έχουν ζήσει εκτός από τη Γερμανία του '30,η Ιαπωνία της ίδιας περιόδου, η Κίνα, η Ρουάντα, το Ισραήλ, η Βοσνίακαι τόσες άλλες....
Brecht originally envisioned the piece as a tool to develop awareness for the rising insanity occurring within 1930′s Germany. Jewish people were increasingly marginalized, intellectuals, political leftists and free thinkers were largely going into exile, and those who were left behind either reluctantly participated in or actively supported the reprehensible Hitler regime.
In 2010, it seems that Hitler has become a watered-down figure through Hollywood (Hogan’s Heroes, Raiders of the Lost Ark), or through political appropriation of Hitler as a symbol of whatever party is politically unpopular at the time. People vastly forget, or are completely unaware of the complexities and horrors of that period.
The Holocaust was but a culmination of a much scarier phenomena of a government gone mad, and a people who were either knowingly or unknowingly complicit. This phenomena played itself out in 1930′s Germany, Japan in the same period, China during the Cultural Revolution, Rwanda, Israel and Bosnia. I would even argue that is has happened in the US at various points in history, although the record of violence and genocide has largely been overseas, and out of sight of the American people, with the large exception of what has been wrought upon the Native American peoples.
The Holocaust was but a culmination of a much scarier phenomena of a government gone mad, and a people who were either knowingly or unknowingly complicit. This phenomena played itself out in 1930′s Germany, Japan in the same period, China during the Cultural Revolution, Rwanda, Israel and Bosnia. I would even argue that is has happened in the US at various points in history, although the record of violence and genocide has largely been overseas, and out of sight of the American people, with the large exception of what has been wrought upon the Native American peoples.
Πηγή: http://peterslarson.com/2010/12/09/die-judische-frau/
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